  • Coey
  • 應屆DSE考生
  • Coey
  • 中學: CACWGC
  • 教授科目: 功課輔導, 小學全科, 中文, 英文, 通識教育, 數學, 常識
  • The reason why I would take teaching as my career is that I enjoy being involved in service activities, or at least teaching my students to do their homework. I am an active, talkative and outgoing person. As I believe that adequate exercise and comprehensive development of personal skills are keys to unlocking the door to success, I expose myself to a variety of learning sources.

  • 地區: 金鐘, 大圍, 沙田
  • 任教年級: 幼稚園(K1), 幼稚園(K2), 幼稚園(K3), 小一, 小二, 小三, 小四, 小五, 小六, 中一, 中二, 中三
  • $150/hr
  • 訊息