Experienced Tutor
- 學士畢業 其他院校 1年教學經驗 Economics
- YN ♀
- 大專院校:其他院校
- 主修/副修科目:Economics
- 中學: Marymount Secondary School
- 教授科目: 功課輔導, 中文, 英文, 數學
I graduated from Marymount Secondary school and finished my university degree ( Economics Major ) in the University of British Columbia, Vanouver, Canada.
I have experience teaching primary one to three students from band one schools , such as St. Joseph Primary School.
- 地區: 西灣河, 筲箕灣, 柴灣, 小西灣
- 任教年級: 小一, 小二, 小三
- $150/hr
- 訊息 WhatsApp