School Teacher
- 學校老師 香港大學 9年教學經驗 Education and Sociology
- Vivian ♀
- 大專院校:香港大學
- 主修/副修科目:Education and Sociology
- 中學: St. Mary’s Canossian College
- 教授科目: 功課輔導, 小學全科, 英文, 通識教育, 常識, 英語文學, 中國歷史, 歷史, 經濟, 地理, 科技與生活, 通識教育
I graduated from a Band 1 EMI school, SMCC and obtained both Master and Bachelor degree in Education at HKU. Since 2011, I have been giving tutorial to students from different ages and backgrounds. Currently I am teaching senior secondary. I am sure that I can prepare suitable teaching materials according to students’ levels and needs.
- 地區: 金鐘, 中環, 西營盤, 堅尼地城, 尖沙咀, 半山區, 山頂, 灣仔, 銅鑼灣, 跑馬地, 大坑, 油麻地, 旺角, 大角咀, 西九龍填海區, 京士柏
- 任教年級: 小四, 小五, 小六, 中一, 中二, 中三, 中四, 中五, 中六
- $300/hr
- 訊息 電話 WhatsApp