  • 10+ years exp.
  • 碩士 10年教學經驗或以上
  • Carmen
  • 教授科目: 功課輔導, 小學全科, 英文, 英語文學
  • Responsible and hardworking tutor with outstanding communication skills and patience demonstrated by more than 10 years of tutoring experiences; also skilled with experience identifying students' individual and collective learning needs; enthusiastic and committed in children's and youth's education. 5 years of experience working in the health supplement field, have had experiences meeting customers from different background and with different needs.

  • 地區: 金鐘, 中環, 西營盤, 堅尼地城, 半山區, 灣仔, 跑馬地, 大坑, 掃桿埔, 渣甸山, 天后, 寶馬山, 北角, 鰂魚涌, 西灣河, 筲箕灣, 柴灣, 小西灣, 尖沙咀, 油麻地, 京士柏, 旺角, 九龍灣, 牛頭角, 佐敦谷, 觀塘, 秀茂坪, 藍田, 油塘, 鯉魚門, 西貢, 將軍澳, 坑口, 調景嶺, 銅鑼灣
  • 任教年級: 幼稚園學前班, 幼稚園(K1), 幼稚園(K2), 幼稚園(K3), 小一, 小二, 小三, 小四, 小五, 小六, 中一, 中二, 中三, 學前
  • $200/hr
  • 訊息 電話 WhatsApp