- 中學生 少於1年教學經驗
- Jing ♀
- 中學: Canadian International School
- 教授科目: 功課輔導, 英文, 科學, 經濟, 生物, 化學
Hi my name is Jing and I've recently finished my IB diploma at Canadian International School of Hong Kong. I'm set to do medicine in the fall and hold offers from HKUMED and CUHK MED. I have experience in teaching biology, chemistry, economics, and chinese by providing my students with IB resources, past papers, tips, and exam strategies. I can also help with biology EEs. I'm also fluent in English, cantonese, and mandarin!
- 地區: 尖沙咀, 中環, 西營盤, 堅尼地城, 上環, 半山區, 油麻地, 灣仔, 銅鑼灣, 跑馬地, 西九龍填海區, 天后, 北角, 鰂魚涌, 西灣河
- 任教年級: 中四, 中五, 中六
- $220/hr
- 訊息